At this time all our services are limited to the following cities in the New York State: NYC, Long Island, Yonkers & Mount Vernon.
At this time all our services are limited to the following cities in the New York State: NYC, Long Island, Yonkers & Mount Vernon.
We know the importance of keeping in touch with current and new parents, which is why we offer a CONTINUOUS business card service.
Ignite your marketing campaigns with our Flyers that captivate and compel. Our Flyers are designed to leave a lasting impression.
We know the importance of keeping in touch with current and new parents, which is why we offer a CONTINUOUS business card service.
Ignite your marketing campaigns with our Flyers that captivate and compel. Our Flyers are designed to leave a lasting impression.
Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of memories with our exclusive daycare photography service. We specialize in creating heartwarming moments through seasonal photoshoots at daycares, ensuring every child’s uniqueness is beautifully captured.
The Daycare provider coordinate with us to set up a convenient date for the photoshoot at your daycare, them we share this information with parents. Our schedule season start 30 days before September 1st (for Back to School) and December 25th (for Christmas).
Parents Choose a Package
We provide a special link for each daycare, where parents can choose the photography package of their choice and make payment electronically.
Photoshoot Day
We bring to the daycare place our decoration stuff to assamble the photography set 1 hour before session time schedule.
Delivery of Photos
After 5 business days we deliver all printed pictures directly to the Daycare, where parents can pick up.
This is the first section that visitors will see on your website. Here we can place images of Daycare, children in an activity or advertisements.
You could show a photo gallery of your activities with the children and also show every detail of the Daycare.
All our websites are 100% optimized for mobile devices. This means that the website will automatically adapt all content to display beautifully on all screen sizes (mobile phones, tablets and desktops).
Our professional team configure and format all your website content on your website. This way you can continue to focus on your work.
Our websites feature inquiry and career forms that block spammers with reCAPTCHA technology behind the scenes. Rest assured, you will only receive legitimate, non-automated submissions.
We will incorporate all of your social media links with your new website, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, etc.
We will embed an interactive map by Google on your contact page so that your prospective parents can easily locate and get directions to your facility.
Is very important a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on every website. SEO is the practice of ensuring your website contains your top keyword phrases so that your potential customers can find your daycare website through the search engines. If you have a website but that website does not contain your keywords, then your website will have a hard time getting noticed by the search engines and if they cannot find your site, your potential clients will not be able to find it either.
Facebook and Google Map (if you have it) provide a way for testimonials and ratings for your business to be added to your website. This embedding feature provides for a more trusted and verified display so that your prospective parents know the testimonials haven't been modified in any way. The actual reviews showing the person's photo, name, rating and review are all displayed, just like they would be on the source website. This includes the setup of up to 10 reviews from Facebook or Google Map that you specify. We will obtain the necessary code/script for each one and install in the HTML of your Parent Testimonials page.
This form collects more information from the parents and the child, such as: Name and date of birth of the child.
We can create a custom design concept for your new site that is tailored to your business logo, theme, colors, audience, etc. This gives you the most flexibility and customization in the look and feel of your new website. With this added enhancement, you can dictate what you want to feature, what colors and imagery you want included, etc. Price: $875.
What is a domain name?. Normally when a device try to comunicate with a SERVER the address in that case is an IP as"". A domain name is a unique, easy-to-remember address used to access websites, such as ‘’, ‘’, etc. This is an extra and recurrent charge. Extra price: from $10/y to $40/y, price may vary.
A Popup windows is a float windows with an information that appear on page loan. We can design your event reminders or any announcement to your parents. Extra price: $50 each design.
If you wan to publish more pages, you can contact us to add more when you can. Price: $70 per page.
You can allow parents to make payments directly on your website by setting up a Paypal, Square, Stripe, etc. payment button. If you are interested, we can do it for you. Price: $35. If you don't have any account with Paypal, Stripe or other, we can setup for you for $75.
If you are interested, we can creat these fallow forms for you: CHILD CARE PDF FORMS and CAREERS FORM (to hire people). Price: $60 each.
At this time all our services are limited to the following cities in the New York State: NYC, Long Island, Yonkers & Mount Vernon.
• 1 ORDER OF 500 BC.
• 1 ORDER OF 500 FLYERS 4X8″.
• 1 ORDER OF 500 BC.
• 1 ORDER OF 1000 FLYERS 4X8″.
• WEBSITE (Basic Design)
• 1 ORDER OF 1000 BC.
• 1 ORDER OF 1000 FLYERS 4X8″.
• WEBSITE (Basic Design)
**All monthly payments require a 12 months contract for the first year only.
Flyer and BC Design are not included on BABY and STANDARD plan.
*1 -Parent will be pay for they kids pictures but pictures of your team are included.
*2 -We build for you a basic website to be a professional presence on internet. Personal domain name not included. You have up to 15 updates of your website per year, ex: announcements, any change of content, etc.
*3 -We have a variety of additional products and services available to all of our customers. SEE FULL LIST.
*4 -We travel to your Daycare to create a professional video and photosoot of your place. You can use it on all your promotions as flyers, webste or social media. Duration of video: 60s. Quatity of pictures: up to 10 pictures.
Earn commissions for RECOMMENDING or SELLING one of our service packages.
*These commissions may change at any time.
After completing the payment we will contact you immediately to start the processes of designing the business cards and flyers like any other process according to the package you have paid for.
Yes, is possible. You can do it at any time.
We will only deduct from your new plan the total number of months that have passed, according to the active plan. Your renewal date will be updated to the date when change is made.
We divided the time for the BC & Flyers into three parts.
After you send us all the information for your website, the delivery time is 10 days. After your website is ready we can make corrections until the 3rd day. After 3 continuous days updating your website due to changes on your part, any other updates will be deducted from the 15 updates available per year.